Many contact-rich tasks humans perform, such as box pickup or rolling dough, rely on force feedback for reliable execution. However, this force information, which is readily available in most robot arms, is not commonly used in teleoperation and policy learning. Consequently, robot behavior is often limited to quasi-static kinematic tasks that do not require intricate force-feedback. In this paper, we first present a low-cost, intuitive, bilateral teleoperation setup that relays external forces of the follower arm back to the teacher arm, facilitating data collection for complex, contact-rich tasks. We then introduce FACTR, a policy learning method that employs a curriculum which corrupts the visual input with decreasing intensity throughout training. The curriculum prevents our transformer-based policy from over-fitting to the visual input and guides the policy to properly attend to the force modality. We demonstrate that by fully utilizing the force information, our method significantly improves generalization to unseen objects by 43% compared to baseline approaches without a curriculum.
Force Feedback
Customizable Redundancy Resolution
Gravity Compensation
Bimanual Box Lifting
Non-Prehensile Pivoting
Rolling Dough
Force Feedback
Customizable Redundancy Resolution
Gravity Compensation
Bimanual Box Lifting
Non-Prehensile Pivoting
Rolling Dough
FACTR allows our policy to better integrate force information without overfitting to visual information, resulting in better generalization to objects with unseen visual appearances and geometries. FACTR applies a blurring operator of scale \(\sigma_n\) in either pixel or latent space, initialized at a large value then gradually decreased through training.
Policies trained with no robot force information fails to recover when an object unseen during training is dropped. This likely occurs because the policy overfits to the Training Objects, hence is unaware when novel objects are dropped.
Our FACTR policies demonstrate robust recovery behavior when objects unseen during training are dropped. When the arms lose contact with the object, the robot's external joint torque readings to revert to pre-lift values. Since our policy effectively attends to the robot's forces, the policy can recover to a pre-lift state.
Policies trained with no robot force information fails to recover when an object unseen during training is dropped. This likely occurs because the policy overfits to the Training Objects, hence is unaware when novel objects are dropped.
Our FACTR policies demonstrate robust recovery behavior when objects unseen during training are dropped. When the arms lose contact with the object, the robot's external joint torque readings to revert to pre-lift values. Since our policy effectively attends to the robot's forces, the policy can recover to a pre-lift state.
Fails to lift up the box.
Drops the box while lifting.
Fails to lift up the box.
Drops the box while lifting.
We visualize the average cross attention of the action tokens to the force or vision tokens of the first decoder layer during policy rollout.
Without the curriculum, the policy does not pay enough attention to force, and either fails to lift or balance the novel boxes.
FACTR learns to attend to force more. We observe that the attention to force outweighs that of vision as the arms begin lifting the box, signaling a mode switch.
Without the curriculum, the policy does not pay enough attention to force, and either fails to lift or balance the novel boxes.
FACTR learns to attend to force more. We observe that the attention to force outweighs that of vision as the arms begin lifting the box, signaling a mode switch.
FACTR Policy Continuous Rollout Demo
Gets stuck and does not attempt pivoting.
Violates joint velocity limits during motion. Drops the object during pivoting.
Gets stuck and does not attempt pivoting.
Violates joint velocity limits during motion.
Drops the object during pivoting.
FACTR Policy Continuous Rollout Demo
Policies without force input fails to roll completely.
Policies without FACTR fail to continuously roll or crush out-of-distribution dough.
Policies without force input fails to roll completely.
Policies without FACTR fail to continuously roll.
Policies without FACTR crush out-of-distribution dough.
Both vision-only policies and vision-force policies without FACTR get stuck after the gripper closes on these unseen fruits. Since these fruits are visually out of the training distribution, vision-only policies fail to generate appropriate actions to proceed. Vision-force policies without FACTR likely do not learn to effectively utilize force input, leading to overfitting to visual input and resulting in the same failure as vision-only policies. In contrast, FACTR policies properly attend to force input. As a result, even when the vision input is out of distribution, the force input can remain within distribution, facilitating FACTR policies to predict the correct next actions in the pick-and-place trajectory.
The follower arm relays its contact forces in the form of external joint torques back to the leader arm.
Force feedback allows the user to feel the geometric constraints of the environment through the leader arm.
The follower arm relays its contact forces in the form of external joint torques back to the leader arm.
Force feedback allows the user to feel the geometric constraints of the environment through the leader arm.
For 7-DOF manipulators, an unregulated joint-space causes the arm to drift into undesirable configurations under the influence of gravity during teleoperation due to kinematic redundancy. We leverage a null-space projection control law that allows us to resolve kinematic redundancy at any user-defined Rest posture configurations. Note that this control law, by construction, does not impose additional end-effector wrenches regardless of the arm's configuration.
In the video, we see that when disturbances are applied to the elbow of the leader arm, the null-space controller ensures the leader arm's elbow returns back to its default posture without affecting the end-effector pose.
In the video, we see that when disturbances are applied to the elbow of the leader arm, the null-space controller ensures the leader arm's elbow returns back to its default posture without affecting the end-effector pose.
This video exhibits a case where a poorly-chosen resting posture joint configuration can cause collisions, which highlights the importance of having the flexibility for the user to define any resting posture for the leader arm.
Our leader arm allows the user to define custom resting posture configuration, which helps the follower arm reach targets in confined-spaces during teleoperation.
This video exhibits a case where a poorly-chosen resting posture joint configuration can cause collisions, which highlights the importance of having the flexibility for the user to define any resting posture for the leader arm.
Our leader arm allows the user to define custom resting posture configuration, which helps the follower arm reach targets in confined-spaces during teleoperation.
We implement active gravity compensation for the leader arms, allowing them to remain suspended motionless in midair at any joint configuration.
This enables the user to pause or stop teleoperation at any time and freely release the leader arms, which is especially beneficial for bimanual teleoperation.
We implement active gravity compensation for the leader arms, allowing them to remain suspended motionless in midair at any joint configuration. This enables the user to pause or stop teleoperation at any time and freely release the leader arms, which is especially beneficial for bimanual teleoperation.
title={FACTR: Force-Attending Curriculum Training for Contact-Rich Policy Learning},
author={Jason Jingzhou Liu and Yulong Li and Kenneth Shaw and Tony Tao and Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Deepak Pathak},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.17432},